Michigan Department of Agriculture
"A Yahoo Top Five Pick of the Day Award Winner!"
Client Objective:
The Department of Agriculture wanted to establish a new and effective web presence that would be all inclusive in covering the size and scope of their large organization. The main challenge of this site was to create a navigation system that was attractive, fast, and efficiently covered a wide range of topic areas. They also wanted a section of the site to be oriented toward youth and education about Michigan agriculture, and farm industry in general.

Go There!

Our Solution:
The development of this site required the careful coordination of several departments within a very large state government agency. We created a different visual style for heading and primary subsequent pages, while integrating the entire site in a frames format for continuity. The "Kidz Korner" and "Booster Rooster" were original illustrations created for youthful appeal and educational purposes.

Synergy Soup Interactive
831 North Washington Avenue
Lansing, MI, USA 48906

Toll Free: 877.371.7830